Sunday, July 29, 2007
Got this article from the net. Again nothing to do at work and there's a compulsive need to surf the net to kill time.....hehehe....Anyway it's interesting to know how loving someone too much will only destroy the relationship and I find it very true. Anyway I always believe in giving only 50% of my love to that someone and the other 50% is for that someone to give me his love. However I am a human being afterall, always end up giving more than what we should.
"When you love too much, you're not letting your partner love you back, in his or her way. You're not letting him miss you, or decide for himself how he truly feels about you. You're stopping him from respecting and appreciating you. When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment. You'll be criticized and taken for granted. You're inviting yourself to become a victim. Loving too much isn’t real love - it's living in a bubble of selfishness, loneliness and lack of self-esteem.
People who love their partners too much are destroying the relationship. In place of balance and affection, you'll feel anger, resentment, frustration and even hatred for the fact that you are not receiving the same kind, or the same amount, of love.
Love is a choice. It should be balanced and positive, not total, fanatical, automatic and compulsive. If you love too much, you are, in effect, trying to force others to love you back. If you smother your partner you don't really love him, you're fixating on him. Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn’t love it’s a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail."
Looks like our fren here is taking the crown away from me for being the latest Lovebird in the house. Asyik cakap pasal love ajer.. Is it the age and the multi-million question again?! Hahaha.
Nevertheless, just remember Spice Girl's Too Much of Something... the song explains it all :-))
Multi million question?'s still too far away and with friends like ya all there's nothing to be afraid of. Have to focus on the present cause the present will shape the future...gitu eh. Age factor?'s all about aging with grace. About the way we think as we age.
Me in love?...hehehe...only for that moment in time. Cause time is too precious to be stuck in something that I know I won't win in the end. We learn and we move on...Remember kiter kan Independent Women....hehehe...we only rely on each other and our family.
The only reason I put this in my blog is I find this article interesting...biaserlah nothing to do at work...Well the crown is still up for grabs...hehehe
Luv ya.appreciates ya....huggs
I so love the optimism.. gitu ehhh...
No la I think the appropriate song for that is 2 become 1 kan...from Spice Girls...haha...
Yeah the crown is still up for grab people...we shall see if it'll move to others or stays the same....hee...
I agree it's all about aging with grace.... Optimism is the way to look and move forward....
Proud of you...
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