Monday, April 30, 2007
Pejam celik pejam celik........only left two more weeks to Krabi people! In fact it's lesser than that rite.......OMG! (capital letters bold lagi aku kasi korang) I'm sooo super excited abt our Krabi trip as it gets nearer, don't u guys feel it as well. We shall all let our hair down on that day with exception to Reez of course (faham2 jelah kan kenape...takde rambut sundel), leave our singapore life behind and have tonnes of enjoyment. With a superb line up of casts that are going, I'm damn sure this trip will be a success (mcm boxoffice gitu...kekekeke). Got special appearance lagi last minute tau. Who else but our Makcik Ketot kiter...lovely kan. Anyway got some pics of our accomodation so damn fabulous skali. Till then let us all countdown to our Krabi trip....CHEERS!

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