Monday, April 30, 2007
As some of you may already know, they finally tied the knot on 20th April 2007 and what a stunner their wedding was. The wedding was supposed to be small and private by Indian standard. However with four pages of invitation lists and that does not include the uninviteds, how private can it get. Hey come on it's the high profile Aishwarya Rai and Abishek we are talking about and yes they were the ones I'm refering to.
Up to 400 security guards were on duty to keep strangers out. A temporary wooden structure was even built around the Bachan's house to ensure that no prying eyes or cameras to ruin the private moment for the family. Wow very tightly guarded indeed. The Bachchans also reportedly requested neighbours with views over their bungalow not to allow any cameras or press into their homes.
Nonetheless here are some of the pictures managed to be taken from their wedding. Congrats on your wedding Aish and Abhi.

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