Saturday, June 9, 2007
Finally woke up from the dream that turned out to be a completely disaster. It was a NIGHTMARE and my gosh it took quite some time for me to realize it.......Just two days, in fact it was less than that. One day perhaps and it's enough for me to see his character. There's no chemistry at all! I thought last night was just not a good day for him and after hearing his sad story I put everything behind tau. Even sms him a very sweet forwarded msg. But this morning same thing happened. Thank god I can still keep myself cool and concentrate on my driving! Sesungguhnya aku buta selama ini tau! That's it! No more nice and affectionate Miss Bobiana from now on......I'm so over u and I mean it!
Hmmm.... Hmmm...Hmmm...Hmmm
Anywho....It's good to know that you're thinking with your head and not your heart when things like this arises...
Bravo sister...
Love ya...Kisha
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